Family Support Fund Purpose and Process

Smiling young girl of mixed ethnicity wearing purple overalls. Family Support Fund logo adjacent to her.

Family Support Funds Purpose and Process

May 1, 2024

The Family Support Fund exists to support families engaged in PSESD programs* when temporary hardship impacts their child’s ability to attend school or childcare


Requests may be made in any of the following areas:

1.      Item Support (e.g., portable crib, diapers, coat, feminine products, food)
2.      Housing Support (e.g., rent, temporary housing, utilities, bills)
3.      Transportation Support (e.g., bus passes, gas funds, taxi/Uber/Lyft) AS OF MAY 1, 2024, CAR REPAIR SUPPORT IS INDEFINITELY ON HOLD  DUE TO OUR DECISION TO PRIORITIZE HOUSING.

Request Process

Request range – Updated 2024

Requests are limited to $1500 each with no more than one request per family per 12 months.  A request is meant to fully address the “temporary hardship” and should not be a portion of funds needed to address that hardship UNLESS all other funds are already secured elsewhere.  PLEASE consider this thoroughly – will this request actually address the full need?  Is this current, unexpected issue connected to school or learning engagement?  Our families encounter many tragic situations such as fires, deaths, violence and impacts of poverty and this fund cannot address all those needs.  Please focus on information that directly caused the current situation and that can be remedied with our limited funding.  

Fund requests over $1200 may require addition

The Fund distributed $40,000 to 82 families in 2023.

Request Considerations
The Request Form is meant to enable LCF to identify how much is needed, to whom a check, disbursement or purchase should be written or executed and where it should go.  Include the due dates!

Example 1 - rent assistance requests will either go straight to the landlord by check or straight to the family by check if there is a desire to and time to allow the family to accept the funds and turn-around and pay rent with those funds quickly.  This varies in every situation.

Example 2 – Pack n play request:  Choose the actual item needed and send the weblink or exact description, cost and the address to which it must be shipped.

The second (Verification) Form serves as the conduit to receive the back-up documentation for a request when it’s not available initially.  Examples include receipts or a statement showing something has been paid.  This is not necessary for gift cards and may not apply to the situation you are addressing for the family.

Requestors (ie individual asking on behalf of the family)
Who: The PSESD employee or contractor requesting assistance must serve a Family Support or educator role and be working directly with the impacted family.  The listed person should be a person who knows of the situation, can answer questions and who has direct contact with the family.  See below for eligible direct service programs.

How: Requestors must get the approval of the request through their Family Support Coach or their direct supervisor if that supervisor is a PSESD employee. All requests are subject to the approval of the supervisor or designated department position and should be discussed and approved prior to submission to LCF via the LCF website.  Please contact if neither approval option applies to you.

What next?
Requestors should expect to play a case management role throughout the process.  This ensures the funds reach the appropriate person or entity as efficiently as possible.  While centering the dignity and agency of the family in need, Family Support Worker or educator involvement through the fund distribution process is critical.

LCF serves as the distributor of funds/items only.  Unless funds are depleted, a request falls outside of the three focus areas or outside of the $1500 range, applicants can expect requests to be honored.

Applicants can expect a response to all requests within 48 hours and a distribution of funds within 72 hours.  The forms are confidential for internal use only. Both forms can be completed and submitted online

Upon approval, please allow up to 72 business hours from approval to fulfill any requests. Please contact ​Nancy Woodland, Executive Director at (206) 716-8840  or for any questions or problems completing the forms. 

* PSESD Programs eligible to apply for FSF include:
     Early Learning (Both Direct and Subcontracted Programs in various locations)Early Head Start

  • Head Start

    Early Learning (Direct Services)
  • Educare Seattle & Heritage Head Start
  • Homebased – EHS
  • WCCW – EHS
  • FCC – HS, EHS
  • Parent Policy Council


  • Relife
  • Student Assistance
  • Expanded Learning/After School
  • Native American Education Program
  • Drop-out and Re-engagement (DOR)


Please contact ​Nancy Woodland, Executive Director at (206) 716-8840  or for any questions or problems completing the forms. 


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